Let's be more constructive - write in action-items format, and use the
contact links on the site instead of posting here.

See comments below

On 9/25/06, Amos Shapira <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>  Slick graphic
> excution does not have any added value for this site.

There are two levels in which I disagree with this statement:

1. The current page at doesn't help first-comers to
navigate between the other sites it points to - why would a
non-technical home user looking to understand "what's all this Firefox
all about" decide to click on a web site described as "a site of some
kids with a scar the shape of a penguin"? Or why would an owner of
some comercial site trying to understand why someone asks him more
money to make a web site "standard compliant" might be worth it decide
to click on's icon? Or how would a lawyer thinking
about switching his office to use Linux servers and
bring himself to listen what the people on Linmagazine have to say? If
I were them I'd turn around and run!

the captions under those banners are not good enough.
Anyone with better suggestions - please use the feedback form

2. Addressing (1) would be a big advantage over the current site but
having a less spartan look (and it shouldn't take much - just copy CSS
of some other good looking site or some FOSS CMS template) will help
keep people in.

Not that there's anything wrong with current design (except maybe the
links in the right sidebar, which IMHO should not be left-aligned),
but there *are* shared FOSS designs out there publicly available for
us to pick
See e.g.:

A specific choice (recommend use this and that stylesheet) would
probably be more constructive than just "get better design".

At the end of the day, I think that we all share the goal of helping
as many people as possible to understand and start using FOSS. The
current web site can do a better job in doing this.

I already have a mental image of what a document describing my
proposal and what the layout should look like but haven't got around
to sit down and write it. Hopefully tonight I'll have some time to put
down a proposal in writing and offer this to the community.

Oh, good. But for people with short comments etc. - why not use the
feedback form on the page instead of writing here?

> Getting back online does.

What's so special about

That it's currently offline, for one thing.
That makes the prominent link at the top of main page
broken (broken links->bad user experience->...)

btw, the "get" page needs some work. Specificly, Mandrake, Yellow Dog,
Kazit and Kineret don't have any info (probably went outdated), and
some others are not just there - seems that we need people to post
some contents.

Other possibility: maybe just point to some other site's "distros" page?

(hmm... maybe we need a hebrew DistroWatch?)

Just to stress one thing - I do not intend to attack anyone of the
people who run any of these sites, on top of all Ilya who's
description of his goal pretty much fall in line with my idea of the
proper function of and who I see as done more to the
community than I - after all he shells out the expenses to put this
site in the first place.

Always good to state that explicitly :-)

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