On Thu, 2006-09-28 at 09:25 +0300, Tzahi Fadida wrote:
> In Kontact, the events are very loosely coupled to a contact and 
> it is more on the context of sending the contact an email. More so, i can't 
> find a search criteria for an event on an attendee.

That's bad. I recommend opening a feature request (wishlist) ticket in
the KDE bugzilla on that - my impression is that Kontact developers are
very forthcoming towards feature requests that make sense, like the
above one.

> For example, in ACT you can automatically setup a 
> rule that will alert you to call a client after a few months so you won't 
> loose touch with that person.

That's a really nice feature. Sadly, probably due to never having
thought of needing such feature, I'm not familiar with any calendaring
software that does this, unless you specifically schedule an event for
such. BTW - if you're interested in checking yet another calendaring
software I would recommend looking at the Chandler alphas (I've had some
success with .7a2, but not so much with .7a3) - it has some interesting
features, and it might have your pet features :-)

Also, there are many many many web based open-source calendaring
applications (or even full CRM suits) which I would normally not
recommend for someone looking for a desktop application, but might come
in handy until a desktop calendar with all of the features you require
comes along.

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