On Tuesday 14 November 2006 12:34, Ehud Karni wrote:

I don't understand why all this voodoo is needed. If you have a list
of spaced delimited values and want to use a for or while loop to
read them, just fix $IFS locally (the default of IFS is tab or space or
newline). You can make $IFS only be newline for the local process
(IFS=something; your for loop here), and it will work.

If that is too much (man bash), then you can just use awk. I am not sure
why the '/^[^[].+[^\n]$/' gives you what you want, since you have not
said much about your input (except a hint that it may be in the shape
of user = password). More information about your input is needed in
order to formulate the right awk recipe for you.

 Ariel Biener, CISO
 Tel-Aviv University CIT div.
 e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] phone: 03-6406086
 PGP key:    http://www.tau.ac.il/~ariel/pgp.html

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