On 21/12/06, Ira Abramov <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

the other options are moving to konsole or gnome-terminal where the
colors are editable. g-t explodes every few days on my fc6+Beryl, I may
move to Konsole. anyone got other options I may have missed?

Coming late to the party (been on a short vacation) but just saw that there
is a new multi-gnome-terminal package for Debian with the following

Description: Enhanced the GNOME Terminal
Multi Gnome Terminal is an enhanced version of gnome-terminal which
has the following features added:
 - Many terminals in each window
 - Switch between terminals using shortcuts
 - Execution of user defined commands in new terminals
 - Notification of terminal states (changed, changing, unchanged)
   using different tabs colors
 - Reorderable tabs
All this extensions are inspired by screen and konsole (the KDE2

Haven't tried it yet but maybe it's another option?


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