El dom, 07-01-2007 a las 03:51 +0200, Oded Arbel escribió:

> Happens here as well. there's a bug open on that in GNOME's bugzilla,
> and I'd appreciate it if you sign in and comment: 
> http://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=360995

I cloned the bug:
These crashes did not happen with Evolution 2.5, but then editing and
writing in Hebrew was buggy and the Hebrew speller never worked for me.
At least, after installing Ubuntu with Evolution 2.8 everything worked
well for a week or so.

> While I'm using Evolution as my main e-mail/calender client, there are
> some serious issues with Evolution, including crashes (
> http://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=330728 - this is serious and
> happens to me several times a day), 
It never happened to me with any Evolution version that I used in the
past 2 and half years.
> usability
> ( http://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=207624 - this one is so
> basic that its amazing no developer had yet to address it,
> http://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=357953 ,
> http://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=356729 ) and just plain stupid
> bugs ( http://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=380065 ),
These are not different from the minor bugs that you can find at almost
any decent and complex program. You cannot blame Evolution for that.
>  none of which
> apparently do not warrant serious effort from the developers -
Is not Novell a major player in the development of Evolution?
>  Evolution
> 2.9 is being actively developed without any of a long list of important
> bugs I'm CCed on or reported personally getting any attention - I really
> have no idea what 2.10 will be different then the current 2.8, if even
> serious everyday crashes aren't going to be fixed.
> As such, I would not recommend anyone to use Evolution if you care about
> your data 
> (I'm using IMAP, so I'm not in that much of a problem if Evo
> fouls up, although there was a case where Evo deleted large chunks of my
> IMAP storage). I can't really recommend any Linux mail client at the
> moment as the best solution, and I'm not talking about a PIM client at
> all. If you corner me, I'd admit that Kmail/Kontact is a useful PIM
> client if you don't mind giving up on HTML e-mail and remotely stored
> contacts, and Thunderbird is useful if you don't plan on writing Hebrew
> and rarely reads Hebrew e-mail, and if you don't mind long waits for
> remote folders syncing (and at least developers for both product do take
> note of bug reports. In my experience KDE developer are better in that
> respect then any other community, but they are all busy now with KDE 4,
> so don't expect too much).
And who says that Kmail and Thunderbird have not similar bugs or people
that some time lost their messages and or storage? The problems that I´m
experiencing are related with spelling and editing and no mail editor is
100% perfect in that if you include html, ctl and encoding.
> Otherwise, I recommend everyone who can handle it to use some console
> mail client like mutt,
Yeah, and Lynx for surfing the web to avoid, pop- ups, flash intros,
malaware, etc. or even Telnet to keep layout compatibility...:P
Just jocking:)
>  and everyone else to use webmail.
Which service? 
Gmail. Many people lost their messages and accounts due a server problem
a couple of months ago.
Yahoo! A bunch of publicity, unnecessary windows, security issues, bad
encoding support and changes of police every couple of months.
Hotmail. In general lines as Yahoo!, but with a record mark in the
number of cracked and stolen accounts.
Reminds the rest of the services that are basically the same as the
above, but with less user friendly interfaces most of the time.

> --
> Oded
> ::..
> What qualities are needed by an author? 
> A determination to keep at it. 
>     -- Douglas N. Adams
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