On Tue, Apr 10, 2007 at 11:24:46AM +0300, Chaim Keren Tzion wrote:
> Are there any mature FOSS solutions for streaming video content?

> Pros/Cons visa vi Microsoft and REAL Video solutions.

Real with IIS  is probably the best from a staffingpoint of view. You
buy their package and get well tested, easy to use systems with good
bandwidth utilization. Note that well tested is not the same thing as
well maintianed, people may spot bugs, but their schedule of fixing them
may not agree with yours.

There are lots of FOSS solutions from your needs, but they range from dismal
to wonderful depending upon how much expertise the people using them have.

Considering the cost of upload bandwidth (real bandwith, not the high latency,
get it when you can stuff people use at home), paying a real expert to design
and implement your system will be well worth the money. 
> Preferably I am looking for a solution that will play in Windows Media Player 
> thereby not requiring most users to install new software.

That's a problem in itself. Windows media player works well in I.E., but
not always well in FireFox. What's your primary concern is the codec
(compression software) you use. The better the compression, the faster
the computer and the newer the software has to be to play it. It benefits
you by costing less to store and transfer.

You might also look at technologies like Democracy TV. It uses Bit Torrent
to deliver your "channel" in background, sort of video Podcasting without
a pod. Other technologies such as "Joots" may become useful, but in beta
testing they have not. They work, but due to the low number of users, it
is too CPU and bandwidth heavy for any real useage. 


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