On 4/13/07, Amos Shapira <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Is this the only way to do this? Is there a more elegant way I'm missing?

Yes, subscribe to yet another "dynamic IP name" service for the work IP. If
your sysadmin at work is nice enough and you have an internal DNS server,
you could pretty easily update it with a DNSSEC key and 'nsupdate'.

(We currently use MS VPN, maybe once I get around to switch to OpenVPN I'll
have more control over this and be able to dynamically assign host names
based on the user used to login to the VPN? Is this possible with MS VPN?)

This is probably the basic Windows RAS Service. In this case, just go to
Active Directory Users and Computers, select your user, go to the Dial-in
tab and fill out the "Assign a static IP" input box.

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