On Wed, May 16, 2007, Rafi Cohen wrote about "RE: need some help with tcp/ip 
> Hi Nadav, well, in my case I do not have thousands of concurrent
> connections, about 20-30 only.

In this case, the performance difference between an implementation using
select, poll, epoll, or even one thread per connection, should be very small.
The last one (one thread from a pre-existing pool, per connection) is easiest
to implement, and might be very well enough for your needs.

Let me give you an example of when using a single thread for all connections
(and epoll or one of its friends) is important, rather than having a thread
(or process) per connection. Imagine a Web server serving static files. Now
imagine that (as is the case in a realistic situation) a large chunk of your
clients have slow connections, and fetch from you around 10 KB a second.
Your machine's CPU, disk, kernel, and network card can easily handle 1,000
such connections concurrently (the total of all these connections move just
10 MB per second). But you could not conceivably have a thread (or worse,
a process) for each of these connections, because threads have significant
overheads. If, for example, each thread takes up "just" 2 MB of memory (for
its stack, kernel structures, and perhaps other things), these 1,000
connections take up 2 GB of memory (and now, try to imagine moving to a 1 Gbit
network card, and hoping that you could server 5 times more concurrent
connections...). The point is that all these threads don't do anything most
of the time, and just wait for their chance to send their 10 K every second.
It is much more efficient - in speed and certainly in memory - to have a
single thread, which epoll's (or whatever) to find the next connection that
is ready (for writing, reading, open or close) and process it, all in a
single thread. Or, of course, if your machine is an SMP with N CPUs, then
you should have N threads.

> However, in some cases the input from those sockets is actually queries
> to a database and it may also end in operations on this database. Not a
> heavy database, but still insert/delete/update is done occassionally.
> Now, if I understand you correctly, you say that using a single thread
> with epoll, even with many concurrent connections will not decrease
> performance.

Writing a pure single-threaded server is *very hard*. You must take extreme
care not to wait, ever. If your server needs to wait to get the content it
needs to serve, e.g., to read the content from disk or to get it from a
database, then other connections are not being served at the same time, and
your CPU is being wasted! This is why such servers usually have complex
state machines - e.g., when you get a database request from the client, you
send it to the database, and do not wait for the result - rather - you
remember that this connection is in a "sending to database" state, remember
the command you need to send to the DB and add the database connection to the
poll list; When this connection is ready to write, you write the command to
it (you may not be able to do it in a single go, if it's a long command)
and then you start waiting for reading the result from the DB, and at the
same time you send it to the client (remembering to do flow control - if
the client is not ready to be sent to, don't read from the database response).
Doing all this is extremely complex, and you wouldn't want to do it except
in extreme cases, when performance is of utmost importance and you're
expecting thousands of concurrent connections.

A simpler approach in your case is to have a hybrid server: a single thread
using a poll (or whatever) loop waits for these "commands", and when it
gets a command, it sends it to a small thread pool that acts on these
commands. In some situations this can be more efficient than the
straightforward one-thread-per-connection server - imagine for example that
you have 30 concurrent connections, but each sends just one command a second
which takes 0.1 seconds to process - in this case a thread pool with just 3
threads might be enough.

Of course, like I said, if you're only expecting 30 concurrent connections,
I would suggest that you just use the simplest approach: have on thread per
connection. You will never notice the difference (I believe).

Nadav Har'El                        |    Wednesday, May 16 2007, 28 Iyyar 5767
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