i didn't find any ebooks by richard stevens.
there is the source code of the examples from his book - you might find it useful (althought i think without the obok they are a bit out of context).



(p.s. stevens himself died in 1999 - so don't expect new books :0)

Rafi Cohen wrote:
Hi Guy, well, to continue your terminology I feel not only foolish but a
total moron, since I was not aware at all of this book.
I'll be glad to receive a reference to this book in order to become
cleverer. After all, this is a desire of any pprogrammer, if he does not
already feel so beforehand.
But seriously now, I based my learning excet on man pages, also on
something I found on the internet called "Beej
S guide for network programming using internet sockets".
Not a deeply detailed one, but still not bad with lots of valuable
Just what I needed as a programmer working under managers that want
their project to finish yesterday whereas the programmer himself needs
to learn the subject just today.
Again, I'll be glad to learn more on this subject regardless of the
current project. However, as a blind erson, reading printed books
requires many effort and time for me, and I sure preffer electronic
format books (pdf etc). So if you can point me to an electronic format
of Stevens' book, I'll much appreciate it.
2 more coments to what you said below:
1. As Amos already mentioned this in a separate message, I also got the
impression from the documents that using select makes irrelevant to set
the sockets as nonblocking, so did not bother with this at all.
But if you say that there still are cases that read after select does
block, you probably base on your experience and no doubt you are much
more experienced than me in this area, so I'll take this under
2. I indeed was one of the people that was not aware of epoll until you
mentioned it.
I began to read the man pages related to epoll, but for the time being
terminology like "edge triggered" or "level triggered" need deeper
understanding from my side.
I'll search the net for better documentation, but if anybody can give me
brief explanation of this and which of them is relevant for my case,
I'll be more than glad to listen and learn.
Thanks, Rafi.

-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of guy keren
Sent: Tuesday, May 15, 2007 3:17 AM
To: Amos Shapira
Cc: Linux-IL
Subject: Re: need some help with tcp/ip programming

Amos Shapira wrote:
On 15/05/07, *guy keren* <[EMAIL PROTECTED] <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>>

     > I think you are tinkering with semantics and so miss the real
    issue (do
     > you work as a consultant? :).

    did you write that to rafi or to me? i'm not dealing with
semantics - i
    am dealing with a real problem, that stable applications have to
    with - when the network breaks, and you never get the close from
    other side.

I wrote this to you, Guy. Rafi maybe used "disconnect" when he basically ment that the TCP connection went down from the other side while you seemed to hang on "disconnect" being defined as "cable eaten by an aligator" :).

lets leave this subject. i brought it up, because many programmers new to socket programming are surprised by the fact that a network disconnection does not cause the socket to close, and that the connection may stay there for hours.

As long as Rafi feels happy about the replies that's not relevant any
more, IMHO.

     > Alas - I think that I've just read not long
     > ago that there is a bug in Linux' select in implementing just
    that and
     > it might miss the close from the other side sometimes

    what you are describing here sounds astonishing - that such a
    feature of the sockets implementation is broken? i find this hard
    believe, without clear evidence.

Here is something about what I read before, it's the other way around,
and possibly only relevant to UDP but I'm not sure - if a packet
with bad CRC, it's possible that the FD will be marked as "ready to read" by select but then the packet will be discarded (because of the CRC error) and when the process reads the socket it won't get
That would make the process get a "0 read right after select" which
NOT indicate a close from the other side.


I don't know what would be a select(2)-based work-around, if required at

first, it does not return a '0 read'. this situation could have two different effects, depending on the blocking-mode of the socket.

if the socket is in blocking mode (the default mode) - select() might state there's data to be read, but recvmsg (or read) will block.

if the socket is in non-blocking mode - select() might state there's data to be read, but recvmsg (of read) will return with -1, and errno set to EAGAIN.

in neither case will read return 0. the only time that read is allowed to return 0, is when it encounters an EOF. for a socket, this happens ONLY if the other side closed the sending-side of the connection.

ofcourse, whenever i did select-based socket programming, i always set the sockets to non-blocking mode. this requires some careful programming, to avoid busy-waits, but it's the only way to gurantee fully non-blocking behaviour. and people should also note that the socket should be set to non-blocking mode before calling connect, and be

ready to handle the peculear way that the connect call works for non-blocking sockets.

doing socket programming without referencing stevens' latest TCP/IP book

is foolish.

     > (sorry, can't find
     > a reference with a quick google, closest I got to might be:

     > <

     > I don't remember what was the work-around to that.

    you're describing an issue with JVM - not with linux. i never
encountered such a problem when doing socket programming in C or C++.

    if you can find something clearer about this, that will be very

Yes, it was a JVM bug but it mentioned differences on Linux vs. other
POSIX systems so I though it might be related.

probably not in this case. because the problem you originally described most likely does not exist. the other way around does exist, if one uses

blocking sockets. but then again, no one uses blocking sockets in server

software, unless they have a pair of reader+writer threads per socket - and even that may cause problems when shutting down the application.

    it helps avoiding copying too much data to/from kernel space on a
    sockets list, and it helps avoiding having to scan large sets in
    kernel, to initialize its onw internal data structures.

Actually, epoll looks really cool, and Boost's ASIO seems to provide a
portable C++ interface around it: http://asio.sourceforge.net/
On the other hand - if you are listening on many FD's which turn out
be ready then epoll apparently looses because it requires syscall (or kernel intervention) on every single FD, making select(2) (/poll(2)?) more attractive.

besides epoll being non-portable, and thus it doesn't get used too much (that, and the fact people are not familiar with its existence).


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