On Sat, Sep 01, 2007 at 01:21:31AM +0300, Geoff Shang wrote:
> I've done a bit of DNS work and found the following which may or may not 
> yield actual working servers:
> * ntp.netvision.net.il (2 addresses)
> * ntp.012.net.il
> * time.inter.net.il
> * time.bezeqint.net
> Anyone know if any of these are working public servers?  Anyone with 
> suggestions of other servers to use?

Use the one belonging to your ISP. Do not use the others. Do not use
the "official" one ntp.ac.il aka ntp.huji.ca.il, it's swamped and
is not for private use. 

Netvision does not use it anyway, their NTP is derived from GPS.

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