Shachar Shemesh wrote:

> I have to admit that I have never came across the term "PDF form", and
> so I have little idea what that entails.
It's kind of like a regular HTML form in PDF format...  it's a PDF
document with text input fields, select boxes, etc, that can either be
printed or submitted online.  Don't feel bad, I also only came across
one for the first time a few months ago.
> How about storing the plain file as an open document text template with
> fields, and then using OpenOffice in automation mode to fill out the
> fields and generate the resulting PDF?
Thought about that, but there is alot of formatting in the documents,
designed usually in MS Word or CorelDraw... when they're opened in OO
they split over multiple pages and generally look bad...  took me long
enough to convince the movement to move to PDF :)

Geoffrey S. Mendelson wrote:

> You might want to look at the U.S. State Department's page for the
> form to renew a passort by mail. They have you fill out an online 
> form, and them when you ok it, a PDF file is created fully filled in
> complete with a barcode containing everything in the form in a way that
> the computer can read it.
> It may be too sophisticated for your needs/budget, but the concepts
> will still apply.
Yes actually that's exactly what I'm trying to do :)  thanks for finding
me an example online...

Meir Kriheli wrote:

> PDF has the notion of forms, FDF[1].
> published few months ago an article about pdftk[2]. In that
> article, under "Filling out forms", pdftk is used to fill the form fields.
> [1]
> [2]
Amazing... that's exactly the info I was looking for... thanks for
saving me alot of unecessary searching.


Gadi Cohen aka Kinslayer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
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