
Recently I've seen some posts about UPSs. Due to my inability to work with Hebrew websites thanks to not knowing the language well enough yet, I'd like to get some information about UPSs generally rather than a product recommendation in the form of a URL. A recommendation of a brand and/or model is of course welcome if you tell me why.

The situation here is that my wife and I have a small home office with 3 PCs but no monitors (we are both blind so we don't need one), plus some additional sound equipment and other office bits and pieces (though I guess they don't strictly have to be on the UPS).

Here is what I'd like to know:

1. I'm guessing that there are two issues when it comes to UPSs - power output and how long that power can be delivered before draining the bateries. How much power will I need and is there a target length of time I should aim for? Does one factor influence price more than the other?

2. Do I need to look out for any specific features when considering Linux compatibility or do most UPSs work nowadays?

3. What are typical prices for UPSs in Israel? I saw an ad for some products today but I don't know how well they compare to prices generally (no brands mentioned, which was interesting in itself).

4. The ad mentioned above also mentioned surge protection. Is this a typical UPS feature?

That's probably enough questions for anyone who wants to answer. I've never laid hands on a UPS so am not sure what to expect when I get one, but I'm guessing that there's a UPS howto out there somewhere which should at least tell me what to expect on the LInux side of things.

Any help is most appreciated. We've had our machines shut down about 6 times in the last week or so and we're sick of it.


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