When checking for free disk space, check also inodes (by df -i).
According to past experience, when a partition runs out of inodes,
sometimes the system manages to continue to work and erratically fail
(when processes need to create new files without deleting others

Another shot in the dark:  which filesystem are you using on home -
ext2, ext3, reiserfs, ... ?
                                     --- Omer

On Thu, 2007-12-20 at 23:50 +0200, shlomo solomon wrote:
> On Dec 20, 2007 11:36 PM, Alon Altman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Another reason kde could fail to write is lack of disk space. Is /home full
> > or close to full?
> No - over 20 Gb free on /home.
> BTW - it¶ not a KDE problem. I can login from a console (Ctl-Alt-1) either.
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