On Mon, 2007-12-24 at 22:07 +0200, Tom Rosenfeld wrote:
> Hi,
> I recently started working at a new firm that is using CentOS 4.5 64
> bit on the desktop.
> We were having trouble with some standard programs and we just
> realized that they are related to the 64 vs. 32 bit issues. 
> For example the flash plugin to firefox installed fine, but would not
> work.

CentOS (Like RHEL and Fedora) is dual-arch - it installs both the 32bit
and 64bit versions of most applications.

You'll need to start the -32bit- version of firefox.
In-order to do it, you'll have to install the firefox-32 package (yum
install firefox-32) and start the 32bit firefox by using the firefox-32

>  The best workaround I have found is to install the 32 bit firefox
> instead and then all the plugins work fine.

Yikes. Don't.

> Is anyone out there having the same troubles? Any suggestions?

You may have to use the 32bit versions of xine/mplayer to view certain
Windows-only-encoders, but other then that, nope.
> Thanks,
> -tom

- Gilboa

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