When I looked for an Emacs22 package for Debian Etch, I found that the
regular Debian backports Web site at http://www.backports.org/ does not
include a backport of this package.

(The reason I looked for this version of Emacs was because of its
network connection support by means of ELISP functions like
make-network-process and open-network-stream.
It also has a cua mode, which allows you to use the now-standard C-x,
C-c and C-v key combinations for the standard operations.)

Today I found that the Emacs Wiki Web site has a page about exactly this
subject: http://www.emacswiki.org/cgi-bin/emacs-en/OnDebianEtch

Following directions, Emacs22 was successfully installed and made the
default.  Details are as follows.

1. I worked as root, so I used the following to authenticate the package
source hype.sourceforge.jp/f:
# wget http://hype.sourceforge.jp/f/A7F20B7E.gpg -O- | apt-key add -

2. As directed, I added the following lines to /etc/apt/sources.list:
deb http://hype.sourceforge.jp/f etch backports
deb-src http://hype.sourceforge.jp/f etch backports

3. I used aptitude (rather than the various apt-get commands recommended
by the aforementioned Web page).  As usual, it complains when activated
for the first time after adding another source.  I restarted it, and the
complaint went away.

When running update, aptitude recommended that several packages (for
example, PHP5 related ones) be upgraded.  I blocked everything by the F
command (Forbid Upgrade), and selected the Emacs22 packages.

aptitude informed about a buffer overflow error, which was already fixed
in the Debian Lenny version of Emacs22.  I allowed it to be installed.
Installation proceeded without further incidents.

4. After installation, I checked which version of emacs is in effect
# update-alternatives --display emacs
Since I found it to be pointing at /usr/bin/emacs22-x rather
than /usr/bin/emacs21-x, no further action was needed.

                                                    --- Omer

MCSE - acronym for Minesweeper Consultant & Solitaire Expert. (Unknown)
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