Gilad Ben-Yossef wrote:
Leonid Podolny wrote:
My employer considers purchasing a subscription to some linux journals. I mean, paper (aka hardcopy) ones. The intended public is developers, not sales/management, so it must be sufficiently technical. Can someone recommend something specific?

Knowing what you guys there are doing with Linux, don't waste your time and money with Linux paper magazines. Get your employer to buy a group corporate account to Linux Weekly News instead.

For my money, it's the best technical up to date technical Linux resource on the planet and it's dirt cheap:

(No, I'm not affiliated with them in any way, just a happy subscriber)

Absolutely. Some 4-5 years ago, when I had a pleasure of working with Tzafrir, he told me about LWN and I am a happy subscriber ever since. And it is dirt cheap for the quality of a content it provides. However, as I understand, the purpose of the whole issue is for those journals to lie around in the lobby/kitchen with people sometimes pick them up and learn a thing or two about linux.


 Leonid Podolny       |  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Software Engineer    |  +972- 3-7668960
 Linux Platform Team  |  +972-54-5696948

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