howdie gang!

I have two clients with a similar problem: the run a job dispatcher that
sends their requests to a free node in a compute cluster to run a
compilation or simulation of the system. Some of those jobs are supposed
to open an interactive X connection. the display is set right but of
course one needs authority to access the user's display. right now it
means the user has to run it with "xhost +" and that's just too

The users run with vnc clients to Xvnc servers, that don't seem to
support secure-RPC either, so looks like "xhost +nis:[EMAIL PROTECTED]" can't
work either.

is the RHEL-supplied Xvnc ignoring MIT-MAGIC-COOKIE because of
configuration, or something missing at compile time? the Xsecurity
manpage is not giving too many hints...


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Ira Abramov

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