On 17/02/2008, Erez D <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> #generate keys:
> ssh-keygen -t dsa
> #copy to destenation
> scp .ssh/id_dsa.pub <target_machin>:/<path to home>/.ssh/authorized_keys2
> #(actually you should append to destenation instead of copying to it)

1. Be careful not to override your default key (in case you have one
already). Use a separate key for this job.
2. At least on Debian Etch and CentOS 5, there is "ssh-copy-id" to help you
transfer the public key conveniently.
3. Consider adding a "command=" parameter to the remote authorized_keys2
file to limit the commands which can be executed in case the private key
gets stolen. You can also limit the host from which the public key will be
accepted using the "from=" command. See "man sshd".


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