On Thu, Mar 27, 2008 at 5:46 AM, Gilboa Davara <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On 3/25/08, Maxim Veksler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  [snip]
> >  I can verify this is an ISP issue, because :

There used to a way to create an ad-hoc ADSL connection to Bezeq, and
select an ISP from a web page. I can't recall the procedure, but this
a very usful way to check for local misconfiguration claims by the

My two recent favorites from an ISP support tech:
1. You can have dhcp on you cable connection, it requires an
electronic chip installed in the computer.
2. Remove all antivirus and firewalling and connect to the internet.....

>  [snip]
> >  We've spoke to 012 representative, it's always the same "automatic"
>  >  answer they have been instructed to provide: "Problem with your
>  >  computer, spyware, virus, wrong usage" No point in arguing with the
>  >  poor technical support guy because he a. Can't help you. B. Probably
>  >  does not have the slightest clue about what you are talking about.
>  >
>  I'm seeing the same. (Computer games; P2P; etc).
>  I did manage to scare one of the poor tech support people into letting
>  me speak to one on their senior support engineer that more-or-less
>  confirmed that 012 is throttling/blocking/resetting/etc traffic during
>  peak hours, but refused to name the protocols/ports being blocked.
>  >  This leads me to the conclusion that nothing can be done besides
>  >  leaving the company that insists on hurting it's costumers and join
>  >  Bezeq, who may or may not be the best ISP around but at least they
>  >  aren't using technology to hide cowardly acts from their users. I for
>  >  one have lost my faith in 012 completely, I will not let this slip and
>  >  have already started the procedure of disconnecting from 012 ASAP. I
>  >  will also make sure all my friends + parents + who ever I can advice
>  >  on ISP choosing to reconsider their decision based on the above.
>  >
>  >  Maxim.
>  /+1. (Currently ISP-shopping)
>  Though I'd venture and guess that it's just of matter of time before
>  they all start "traffic shaping".
>  - Gilboa
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