Quoting Oren Held, from the post of Mon, 31 Mar:
> Why would they insist of the mail service would be local? It'll raise many 
> new 
> concerns: availability, backups, data corruptions..

I have warned them against all those, and begged them to reconsider (I
hate maintaining Mail servers, even if I've done it flawlessly for over
10 years now)

> If it's just a need for shared calendar and central mail storage, I'd be 
> using 
> Google for domains. Should be free of charge for small companies.

I suggested that too. they didn't want the "security risks" and the
google branding on their Emails. They are willing to shell out thousands
of dollars for an inferior solution (IMHO, especially if you count cost)

> I bet your alternative solution don't suggest the SMS-on-appointment feature, 
> not for free at least :)

One can always improvise with Twitter, no? :-P

Waste of space
Ira Abramov

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