xxd's function is exactly to convert from binary into text.
Try to convert your binary files using:
xxd -p -c1
(works for me: xxd -v output is "xxd V1.10 27oct98 by Juergen Weigert").

I checked also how to do it using od.  The following would work
(my od --version is 5.97):
od -v -w1 -ta --address-radix none
od -v -w1 -tx1 --address-radix none

                                     --- Omer

On Thu, 2008-04-03 at 11:37 +0300, Yaacov Fenster - System Engineering
Troubleshooting and other stuff wrote:
> Erez -
> Perhaps you could first convert the binary files to text representation 
> (od --address-radix none) and then preform the comparison in that 
> dimension?
>     Yaacov
> Erez D wrote:
> > hi
> >
> > i am looking for something like 'diff' which can compare binary files 
> > and give a result other then just 'differ' or 'same'
> > the same as what diff does for text files.
> >
> > i though of using xxd with a regular diff, but that doesn't help, as 
> > if there is one byte missing, all lines are shifted which means they 
> > are different textually, when they are not really.
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  • binary... Erez D
    • R... Erez D
    • R... Ely Levy
      • ... Yuval Hager
    • R... Yaacov Fenster - System Engineering Troubleshooting and other stuff
      • ... Omer Zak

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