ronys wrote:

For a LAN, AOE seems to have less overhead, so performance *might* be better
(assuming the network is the bottleneck).

iSCSI is much more popular in the industry, though.

My experience is with iSCSI - feel free to ask me if you need more info on
setting up iSCSI initiators & targets.


-----Original Message-----
On Behalf Of Dan Shimshoni
Sent: Thursday, April 24, 2008 10:05 AM
Subject: AOE and iSCSI (software only)

Hello, Linux-il gurus,

I have to decide between two options of exporting block devices
on a LAN (same subnet for clients and server)
: one is with iSCSI target and iSCSI initiator. The second
is with AOE.

I am talking about using software tools only, not using special hardware.

I had tested AOE with my hardware (no special hw): I had downloaded
aoetools from
I had also installed blade server of this project on the server

I can mount on the client a file which I am exporting on the AOE
server. (which is running this blade).

My question is this:
What are the advantages and disadvantages of using AOE versus iSCSI?
Does anybody have any experience/advice regarding using AOE on Linux
(sw only, I am not talkin about CORAID, etc) ?


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Just to clarify Rony's reply :

AOE protocol is build upon Ethernet layer and so AOE payload is encapsulated in Ethernet frames

Using iSCSI there 2  encapsutions -
SCSI to IP to ethernet and IP to Ethernet.

So theoretically AOE  has less overhead .

Hag Sameah,

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