Quoting Erez D, from the post of Tue, 20 May:
> I didn't use LVM for a long time ...  however, i tried using it as a
> replacment for somthing like netapp, and encontered server freezes.
> few years later i tried again, thinking it must be stable by now, and
> again server freezes.  The freezes didn't come that often, but i
> disabled the snapshots in the end because of it ...

I didn't read about freezes, but I did read about performance hits and
other problems, especially with zombie undeletable snapshots and such
with anything below 2.6.16 (and here the environment demands RHEL4,

Zumastor - I'm still trying to figure out if it's production-stable,
I'll ask around their IRC channel tonight, but either way their patches
are only for very recent kernels, and if I use them, I'll do that on a
separate NFS server I'll be installing soon anyway (and if Zumastor does
show stability, it will be running on Debian. Otherwise I'll stick with
"nobody got fired for using" CentOS)

now I'm wondering what they use in http://openfiler.com ... seems like
LVM2 over a distro called rPath (rpath.com), where I found interesting
virtual appliance images to DL, where I discovered
http://bongo-project.org ...

man, this Internet thing is just full of surprises! I think it'll catch

Twentieth century fox
Ira Abramov

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