On Sun, Jun 1, 2008 at 8:01 PM, Shachar Shemesh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Actually, it's better to have the "security" repository after the isoc one.
> This way, if both have the same package, you will get it from the
> geographically closer one.
> But, yes, failing to have the security source in source.list will cause the
> problem described.

Thanks everyone for your pointers to security.debian.org. I already
have it in my sources.list.

The version I have installed on that system now is: 1:4.3p2-9etch2
The version mentioned in the security advisory
(http://www.debian.org/security/2008/dsa-1576) is 1:4.3p2-9etch1
The latest version available for the stable release is the one I have installed:
(1:4.3p2-9etch2), I couldn't find the security advisory which talks
about it.

I've reinstalled the package with "aptitude resintall openssh-client"
and compared the new and old files and they are identical.
I'm using i386 version.

Just to make sure I also downloaded the .deb file directly from the
link above (from packages.debian.org and re-installed it and still get
exactly the same file to the original one.

Any other ideas?

> Shachar



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