On Wed, Jun 11, 2008 at 10:11:07AM +0300, Dan Bar Dov wrote:
> Usually we use printf with a string literal for the format,
> e.g.
> printf("%d flowers\n",count);
> But if I put the format in a variable (as opposed to a string literal), I
> find that
> escape processing does not occur.
> so using the program:
> void main(int ac, char **av)
> {
>         printf(av[1],av[2]);
> }
> and running (# is the prompt)
> # ./test "%s flowers\n" 7
> give the output
> 7 flowers\n#
> [same with # ./test "%s flowers\\n" 7 which yields 7 flowers\\n# ]
> Any idea how to get the variable containing the format to undergo escape
> sequence processing?

I have no idea, but I wouldn't be surprized to hear that it's a measure
of a recent gcc/ld/glibc against format string attacks (google in case
you do not know enough about this). Did you try compiling with -Wall?
Did you try different versions of the gcc/ld/glibc toolchain?

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