On Thursday, 10 בJuly 2008, Aharon Schkolnik wrote:
> I have no problem extracting the tarball, patches, etc from the source
> rpm, I was looking for the original source (the project site) - I was
> thinking that perhaps the rpm makers might have altered the source
> slightly.

If you distribution (you didn't say which) is composed by sane people
than the tarball contained in the RPM is the *pristine* tarball --
which means it is an *exact* copy of the original tarball.

That's why the SRPM may contain additional sources, patches, etc.
This guideline is shared by any responsible distribution regardless
if it uses RPM (e.g: Fedora) or deb (e.g: Debian).

The simple reason for this guideline, is that without it there is
no chance for the package maintainers to differentiate their changes
from changes done by the upstream developers and stay sane...

> As it looks now, I will either have to use the  tarball from the  source
> rpm,

Yes, that's the one you want. If you want to have with the distribution
patches included, than simply use rpmbuild -bp <the_spec_file> to have
it extract and patch the source.

> or just drop libtermcap in favor of curses (might necessitate code changes).

This may be justified because of other reasons (ncurses has more features
and is better maintained that old termcap). Obviously, this has nothing
to do with the RPM/SRPM question, as it is packaged exactly like termcap
with the same (distro) policy.

Oron Peled                             Voice/Fax: +972-4-8228492
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