On Thu, 30 Oct 2008 18:20:21 +0200
"Erez D" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> hi
> i have a few questions about a computer i bought and wanted to install linux
> on.
> the computer came with vista preinstalled.
> i wanted to install linux. i tried ntfsresize, but it didn't work (doesn't
> support vista partitions ?).
> I tried to resize the partition from vista. it let me shrink the partition
> to 50% of the hard-drive but not less (arrogant microsoft - they must be the
> biggest partition)
> so now i was able to install linux on half of the disk.
> it was not long before the linux partition was full.
> so mounted the ntfs partition ant put some data on it, but the performance
> sucks, and i do not want to put big files in a seperate (NTFS) partition.
> i found also a small NTFS partition, i assume it is for reinstalling VISTA.
> so here are my questions:
> 1. if i erase the vista partition, can i reinstall it from the other ?

I did this with a thinkpad. The extra small ntfs partition is the recovery
partition. If it's possible for you to boot into it from some recovery menu on
startup it should be possible to restore vista later on (no Idea why you
would ... if worse comes to worse xp is much better, but still is microsucks).

Under thinkpad it reinstalled fine on the resized partition but wouldn't
reinstall once I completely wiped vista. I had to put my hand on a vista disk
and do a reinstall and only then a restore (IIRC it was a partial reinstall,
not even sure if I finished it).

> 2. if i want to buck the partitions up. is there a open soure software
> similiar to norton-ghost that supports vista's and linux's partition.

no idea, sorry. My guess is that newer ghost will work. Don't know of open

> 3. is there an open source software that can resize the vista partition
> (ntfsresize does not work)

For me using the debian unstable installation disk worked for resizing vista.
I'm guessing it's some version of ntfsresize. You can download the net install,
start it in expert mode and go to the partitioning menu option to use it.

> 10x,
> erez.

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