Hello Noam,
I may not have clarified myself.
Basically, when I set wireshark to listen to sit1, it captures my
ping6's Echo Request packets - but no replies.

I also found that there are no ppp0 or eth1 traffic corresponding to the
ping6-created sit1 traffic (my PC has two Ethernet cards, and eth1 is
the one which is connected to the ADSL modem; I use pptp and it creates
the network device ppp0; in other words, any IPv6 traffic is supposed to
pass through sit1->ppp0->eth1 and back).

I did see ppp0 traffic when tspc creates a tunnel, and it indicates
success in connecting to anon.freenet6.net (the IPv6 tunnel broker which
I use, as it supports anonymous logins).

After reading the "2008-08-25 - Configuring IPv6 using AARNet's free
broker" article at http://www.nick-andrew.net/ I found that my iptables
firewall blocked protocol 41 packets in both input and output.

On Sat, 2008-11-08 at 22:11 +0200, Noam Rathaus wrote:
> > When I try to ping6 ipv6.google.com, I get no response.  According to
> > wireshark, ICMPv6 echo requests are sent, but there are no echo replies.
> > I tried all 4 values of -I parameter of ping6:
> > sit0,sit1 - no response.
> > sit,tun - unknown iface.
> >
> You shouldn't see any ICMPv6 traffic! TSPC tunnels everything via 
> IPv4/IPv4UDP, so no ICMPv6 should be visible.

See my comment above.

> > I tried to ping6 both ipv6.google.com and 2001:4860:0:1001::68 (with -I
> > both sit0 and sit1) - no response.
> >
> > > So I see two options:
> > > 1) Your firewall is blocking

This turned out to have been the case.
The following iptables commands fixed the problem
(where:   IPTABLES="/sbin/iptables"


                                            --- Omer
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