Oron Peled wrote:

On Sunday, 9 בNovember 2008, Gilad Ben-Yossef wrote:
Oron Peled wrote:
 2. ... only to be redirected to a login screen.
    Should our community content be held hostage behind some
    company login requirements?
I don't really see the real issue here....

As a smart guy I'm sure you do, but I'll spell it out nevertheless:
   Access to the slides is *restricted* (to scribd subscribers)
I still don't agree but I think it's turning too off topic and anyway, I've already put direct links to the original slides on the lecture pages for all the last 4 lectures. Hence forth new material will include a direct download link and some when I'll find the time to add links for the older ones


Gilad Ben-Yossef Chief Coffee Drinker

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The Doctor: Don't worry, Reinette, just a nightmare. Everyone has nightmares. Even monsters from under the bed have nightmares, don't you, monster?
        Reinette: What do monsters have nightmares about?
The Doctor: Me!

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