On Thu, 5 Feb 2009 03:54:09 +0200
Dotan Cohen <dotanco...@gmail.com> wrote:

> > Right now I have a HOT modem and Netvision, which when it works...
> > It also happens to be down as I write this and has been for almost 6 hours.
> I just left HOT after four years of suffering their constant outages
> (I had both internet and VOIP telephone). I went to, of all places,
> Bezeq and I've discovered that Bezeq has improved in the past few
> years. It is a few (less than ten) shekles more expensive, but so far
> the service had been terrific and they even included for me a 4-port
> wireless router built into the modem.
> I should also mention that the tech who came to my house has been a
> Bezeq tech for 14 years. It showed in the way he worked. HOT techs
> always look like they just graduated from Yossi's Technical Garden and
> when I ask them, they are usually in the field for less than a year. I
> understand that HOT is new and growing, but they just don't yet have
> the experience that Bezeq has.

On the other hand, if you go that way, my neighbour who just went the internet
way with bezeq and is over 70 has a terrible experience with them.

i spent half an hour to convince the guy over the phone that the fact that the
modem disconnects from bezeq every few minutes is not related to the fact that
they forced her to connect to it wirelessly for some reason. They also sent
half way across Haifa to replace it (not sure if she actually did it yet), when
she travels by bus and we actually leave outside Haifa and 1.5km from the
nearest bus station ...

Hot, although the service quality is a bit shitty sent a tech over to my house
about 5 times and replaced the modem at my house twice due to connection

they are all worthless, it mostly depends on what exactly you need from the at
the time.

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