
I'm looking at a way to filter e-mails on our Exchange 2003 server
using a linux box as an IMAP client.

I have it now working on my Ubuntu desktop using Claws mail but it
means I have to keep it running while I'm away which is wasteful (I
shut down my desktop overnight and weekends).

Looking around for solutions I learned:
1. My memory about procmail not being suitable is still correct -
Procmail can only store to local files.
2. The closest I found was
http://markmail.org/message/esxmz6bsejt6bt6y, which mentions Sickle
http://www.codebunny.org/coding/sickle/ which is almost 4 years old
and depends on perl modules I can't find in CPAN.

But Sickle's idea (using Perl IMAP modules to filter messages) seems
to be right.

What I envision is to run a script on one of our main operations
servers which are always on, which reads message headers over IMAP
from the Exchange server, filters them and moves them to other IMAP
folders. Just like Claws does for me already but without the need for
a GUI/display etc.

Is there something more "baked" or should I work from scratch?



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