On Tue, Mar 17, 2009 at 11:41:46PM +0200, David Ronkin wrote:
> Sbdy  asked me to translate from russian to hebrew,
> But he used for this Bulgarian fonts (don't ask why), here's an
> example:  *Óêðàèíñêî-ðóññêèé
> ñëîâàðü*,

I don't read Bulgarian, but does the following make sense?
example:  *гъ№ршэёъю-№ѓёёъшщ
If it does, I generated it by piping the text part of your original
email through:
iconv -f utf-8 -t iso8859-1 | iconv -f iso8859-5 -t utf-8

If it does work indeed, it means that somewhere along the way someone (a
human or a program) mistakenly thought it was encoded iso8859-1 when it
was actually iso8859-5.

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