Ever since upgraging from Firefox 2.* to 3.0.7, the browser randomly but 
FREQUENTLY closes for no **apparent** reason. Unfortunatly, about:crashes 
doesn't seem to work on Linux, so I have no idea where to look for the 
reason. I've looked at all the usual logs and ~/.mozilla/* and found nothing. 
Is there a Firefox specific log I should be looking at?

To clarify one point, the browser is always open on my machine, but often (2 
or 3 times a day), when I come back to the computer, Firefox has closed. So 
it's not happening when I try to get to a particular site, but when the 
browser is "idle". In fact, I don't rememmber ever having a crash when trying 
to load a site.
Shlomo Solomon
Sent by KMail 1.9.9 (KDE 3.5.9) on LINUX Mandriva 2008.1

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