
I checked both of the boards you've mentioned..

* The GA-73PVM-S2H is very "entrey level" board. nForce 630i chipset
and it supports RAID, but it's really up to the distribution you
install if it will supports it or not, since it depends on drivers
from nVidia. Basically if you can set it from the ROM, it should be
supported, but I'm not sure which distribution you use and their
support for nVidia stuff.

* The GA-EG45M-DS2H is a whole different board. It's a "small beast"
actually which can supports up to 16GB of RAM (great if you're using
VM's)  and it's full Intel supported chipset (if you're going to
seriously use it as a desktop, make sure you buy a good graphics card,
Intel graphics are crap! invest few more hundreds shekels and buy a
dedicated ATI or NVidia graphics card on either board, the nVidia 7100
also sucks, specially if you want to play HD movies). It should be
fully supported by your Linux distribution, including hardware
(assisted?) RAID level 0,1,5,10.

Hope it helps :)

2009/3/26 Dvir Volk <dvir...@gmail.com>:
> Hi,
> I want to buy a cheap desktop machine with HW RAID 1 and install linux on
> it.
> A shop offered me 2 different desktop boards with RAID on them:
> Gigabyte GA-73PVM-S2H, and GA-EG45M-DS2H
> googling and manufacturer sites didn't reveal anything, so:
> 1. Does anyone have any Linux experience with these or similar boards?
> 2. Do I have anything to worry about or should it just work?
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