Thanks for the link.

Specific or not, I'm sure such an article would interest any web site
owner it is written about.
It was just very difficult for me to fish the link from the mailing
list archives back when it was mentioned the first time around through
a mobile phone.



On 4/3/09, Dotan Cohen <> wrote:
>> As a user, I don't really care if the JS code is "not too brilliant" as
>> long
>> as the site is usable from the major browsers. I think that we (as Linux
>> enthusiasts) should be focusing on fighting the IE-dependency of Israeli
>> web
>> sites.
> ‎The problem with the JS, according to the Opera dev who wrote the
> article, is that it is difficult to make work. Whoever is working on
> that site should read it:
> --
> Dotan Cohen

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