> I seriously considering Orange's offer of a combo package of some sort of
> "box", cell phone air time and 2.5mbit Internet. From what I understand
> the Internet part is over your (not included) cable modem or aDSL line.
> Does anyone have it? Or have Orange as an ISP?
> Are they Linux friendly? I understand it's presented as some sort of
> router, but I have a combination of Linux, Windows and Mac and don't
> want to be told that in order to test their router I have to use a
> Windows computer, or worse than that, be told that their service is not
> "linux compatible".
> My traffic is in order of priority VoIP, then streaming video, then web
> access
> then bit torrent. In order of traffic, it's backwards, with most being bit
> torrent, then streaming video, then http, with a small VoIP load.
> Right now I have a HOT modem and Netvision, which when it works it works
> very well, with no slowdowns, noticable traffic shaping, or limits. The
> Orange
> deal is a good one based soley on reducing my cell phone bill. If I can get
> decent Internet access on top of it, it's a big saving.
> It also happens to be down as I write this and has been for almost 6 hours.
> Thanks,
> Geoff.

You may find this thread interesting:
(Viability of Mobile Broadband For Home Use?)

Dotan Cohen


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