I'm using USB cable to do that, using 3g modem with BT drains a lot of power
from the battery.
But I'm guessing that you will have to do that:

1. hcitool scan - to find your cellular Mac address
2. sdptool browse Mac_Address - check the Dialup Networking for "channel
3. sudo gedit /etc/bluetooth/rfcomm.conf
create a new BT object:
rfcomm0 {
           bind yes;           device MAC_ADDRESS;
           channel CHANNEL;
           comment "nokia ppp";

well, thats the first steps, than you should try to connect to your nokia, I
think you should select "pc Suite" in order to connect to the Internet.
That's what I did with 8.04 : http://n2b.org/archives/859

On Mon, May 25, 2009 at 2:11 PM, Amichai Rotman <amic...@iglu.org.il> wrote:

> Hello all,
> I have an Asus eeePC running Ubuntu Mobile Remix (9.04).
> I'd like to be able to surf the Internet using my Nokia 71's GSM modem
> over Bluetooth.
> I have the Mobile Broadband tab in the Network preferences, and I add
> Orange.
> What's the next step?
> Any of you got this to work?
> Thanks!
> .:====================================================:.
> Amichai Rotman
> UIN#: 6401746
> Registered Linux User#: 201192 [http://counter.li.org/]
> Registered Ubuntu User #12851 [http://ubuntucounter.geekosophical.net]
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> PLEASE READ: http://www.gnu.org/philosophy/no-word-attachments.html
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> .:====================================================:.
> Rodney Dangerfield  - "I worked in a pet store and people would ask
> how big I would get." -
> http://www.brainyquote.com/quotes/authors/r/rodney_dangerfield.html
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