If you ping another destination during the "hang" - does it work?
If you ifdown and ifup the interfaces (wan + lan) on the router after
a hang - is it released?
an icmp packet is short so i don't think this is the case but: what is
the MTU on the lan/wan?

Also, use a tool like mtr
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mtr_(My_traceroute) to detect any packet
loss along the route.

2009/5/27 Erez D <erez0...@gmail.com>:
> hi
> i have an openwrt (linux) router, with regular firewall rules (nat,
> related+established,clamp-mss-to-pmtu, etc).
> if i ping from the router to the internet, it works ok
> however if i ping from inside my lan to the internet, the first 30-70 pings
> works, then it stops working (i.e. 100% packet lost after the first 30-70)
> using tcpdump inside my router shows the icmps going through the wan
> interface but none come back.
> any idea ?
> erez.
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