Hello Oleg,

I was on vacation the last week and could not thank you for a response.

I made configuration the way you describe and it works.

So thank you again.

Still I have some issues unresolved :

Xserver probes hardware for possible screen resolutions and decides to choose the first one when it boots up.
1. The question is how I can manage it  ?
I tried to use vga boot parameter  so vga=792  but I got I a blank screen

2. now I am thinking to use Modes that Xserver prints in Xorg.log file, and I wonder if these modes anyhow corresponds to vga boot modes?

3. Why Xserver itself ( I am not using window manager) is not capable to fulfill geometry requests,
    i.e running xterm -g +0,-0 from .xinitc does not place it in a bottom ?

Hope you can point me to some directions

Oleg Goldshmidt wrote:
Lev Olshvang <l...@vboxcomm.com> writes:

So the question - how to set up resolution in xorg or perhaps in
.Xresources ??

Well, I don't use Ubuntu, but if Xorg there behaves similarly to, say,
Fedora, then Xorg will use xorg.conf if it exists, but by default it
probes you HW at runtime and there is no xorg.conf. 

You can run

# Xorg -configure 

to generate a skeleton xorg.conf file (IIRC, as /root/xorg.conf.new)
and edit it to your heart's content. Then test it and put it into

Don't trust me - RTFM yourself.


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