Oh, those fonts are unicode, and I can assure you that they do have
Hebrew fonts. I use Arial from this download all the times on browser
and many other applications (pidgin etc..)..

You can also copy the TTF files from your Vista or XP install and use
ttmkfdir so your X can recognize those fonts. It should be in your
c:\windows\fonts or something (look for TTF type files).


On Fri, Jun 12, 2009 at 10:50 PM, Dotan Cohen<dotanco...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> the msttcorefonts package does just that: it download some fonts,
>> place them in your distro and let you use them.
>> So if you use ubuntu/debian/xandros, just do: apt-get install msttcorefonts
> Thanks, Hetz, but the .exe on sourcefourge that it downloads only
> contains Latin glyphs, no Hebrew glyphs. To get Hebrew glyphs, we are
> on our own!
> --
> Dotan Cohen
> http://what-is-what.com
> http://gibberish.co.il

Skepticism is the lazy person's default position.
my blog (hebrew): http://benhamo.org

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