2009/6/28 Amos Shapira <amos.shap...@gmail.com>:
> Another option I was thinking about, triggered by the tcpdump
> suggestion, is to use proxyfire to have connections to castup.net and
> ynet.co.il through my own proxy, which in turn can record the URL's
> for me (and maybe even cache the files).
> I'll try that when I get around to it (had a busy weekend, pending a
> not less busy week).

OK, so I finally got around to implement this and would like to
document what I did here:

Installed tinyproxy. It was the simplest proxy among those I found for
Ubuntu. It started working immediately, at "INFO" mode which logs
requested URL, listening on port 8888 on localhost.

Installed FoxyProxy and configured it to use tinyproxy.

Pretty quickly it became obvious that the ynet.co.il links are not
interesting and I should concentrate on the castup.net links,
configured foxyproxy to:
a. "all" - blacklist (i.e. don't use foxyproxy by default)
b. "*.castup.net" and "*.flv" wildcard patterns white listed.

This quickly showed the links I need in the tinyproxy logs
(/var/log/tinyproxy.log), e.g.:

a wget on these url's brought down the entire FLV file, playable both
on Linux and Nokia E71.

To get the file to the E71 memory card over USB I got it messed up a
bit - it needs to be in Mass Storage Mode then ubuntu will auto-mount
it (I had a corrupt filesystem on the phone's memory card so had to
back it up and reformat through the Nokia interface, I don't know
whether this happened because I put the phone in a different
connection mode or not).

The obstacle I face now is that the Nokia Flash player will not allow
me to skip the movie - forward or backwards. I can pause at least but
still it's annoying that I can't rewind to re-view a bit I missed or
have to keep the player open all the time not to lose the current
position in the movie.

"mencoder" bombed on "codec not found" or somesuch when I tried to
convert to mp4. I configured mediabuntu but didn't have time to find
how to actually force install of mencoder from that repo.

A friend recommended "Handbrake" which converted no problem with
"MP4->H.264" (doubled the size of the files compared to .flv) but the
Nokia didn't play the Video.

I'm now trying to convert with "MP4->FFMPEG" and see if it works.
Would .AVI work better?

Thanks everyone for your suggestions!



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