What's the definition of LTS (Long Term Support) if Ubuntu don't
provide security patches for that release?
It sounds like Ubuntu just slapped this label on random releases
without any backing.
That's different from what I've seen from RHEL/CENTOS.


On 9/18/09, Geoff Shang <ge...@quitelikely.com> wrote:
> Hello,
> I find myself in the position of overseeing a Drupal installation on
> Ubuntu Server.  We're running the 8.04LTS version of Ubuntu with the
> intention of staying with it until the next LTS release (next year?).
> The problem I have is that Drupal 6 is not packaged for 8.04.  I got
> around this by installing Drupal 6.10 from Ubuntu 9.04, but even this has
> pending security updates.  So I'm considering updating to the version from
> the yet-to-be-released Ubuntu 9.10.
> But this raises a problem.  It's possible to update Drupal from within
> Drupal.  Given this, it begs the question - should I use the package
> system to provide a Drupal installation or should I just install the main
> upstream package asis and use its own updating capabilities to keep it
> updated?
> I can see complications ahead if I don't make a firm decision one way or
> the other, so I'd like the advice of anyone who has had to deal with this
> sort of thing.
> I don't know much about Drupal and I don't particularly plan to.  I've
> been asked to install it so that content people can do their thing with
> it, and that people in charge of specific sites on the machine can admin
> their bit of it.  Am I naive in thinking I can keep my distance from this?
> Geoff.
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