>From http://michaelgellis.tripod.com/modem.html:
Check ATXn, ATV1
>From http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hayes_command_set (has also the above
and useful external links):
Check ATQn

On Wed, 2009-09-02 at 16:06 +0200, Tom Marcoen wrote:
> Hey all
> I asked the following problem on ##programming (chat.freenode.net) and
> rindolf suggested to mail this mailing list in the hope of finding an
> answer. So here it goes!
> I'm currently trying to program a modem with AT commands and had a
> question about those commands.
> problem is: when i call my modem with my cell phone, the cell phone
> makes ringing noises and the modem displays "RING" for each ringing
> noise I hear. But when i do it the other way around, thus using my
> modem to call my cell phone, the cell phone still makes the ringing
> noises, but my modem doesn't display RING. I want to see those RINGs
> when calling someone with my modem so i can hang up after the cell
> phone user has heard x number of RINGs.
> I'm assuming that's the correct behavior, but i would still like to
> know how many times it has rung when calling, so i can break the
> connection after x number of rings.

"Kosher" Cellphones (cellphones with blocked SMS, video and Internet)
are menace to the deaf.  They must be outlawed!
(See also: 
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