On Mon, Nov 09, 2009 at 10:36:10PM +0200, Noam Rathaus wrote:
> Hi,
> I can't understand one thing, people hate it when I, unintentionally, promote 
> Apple, but find it unstrange when there is apparent lack of a decent device 
> which compares to Apple's device.
> I don't say go with close source, I don't say use proprietary products, but 
> at 
> least give me a decent alternative
> Excuse me, but FIT-PC2 is, at least from looking around:
> 1) Expensive for the Spec you get - and I am not even sure it works ok on 
> movies, just because it has HDMI doesn't mean it will work properly on movies

The components are pretty standard: 

Specifically (quting from there) -

Display & Graphics:

        Intel GMA500 graphics acceleration
Full hardware video acceleration of H.264, MPEG2, VC1, and WMV9
DVI Digital output up to 1920 x 1200 through HDMI connector

So you have the chipset. I'm slightly skeptical regarding its drivers.
But then again, the Apple one uses nVidia, which has lousy free drivers
as well.

Unlike that Apple box, it can be purchaced with a mainline Linux
distribution. Which implies its display drivers work there. And imply it
is supported.

(I'm not affiliated with them in any way)

> 2) No apparent user base - if it doesn't work or doesn't work properly, you 
> are in the dark

Hmm... the components are pretty standards. Why not consider it a "sort
of PC"?

Tzafrir Cohen         | tzaf...@jabber.org | VIM is
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