On Friday, 25 בDecember 2009 23:38:38 Uri Even-Chen wrote:
> A friend of mine suggested me to join a free software (open source)
> project in Java or C++, to gain experience in these languages.

Your friend gave you a good advice. However, please note that usually
there is no *immediate* reward. It's not like a (free software) newbie
joins a project and three months later he is swamped with job requests.

Working on a free software project tend to increase your capabilities
by exposing you to different technologies and working styles. On the
long run (years), this can bring you not only fun, but work as well.

> Do you have an idea how to find a good project I can join, in Java or
> C++ or maybe Python?

There are many sites hosting free software projects. Some of them:

Since you used some scripting languages in the past (PHP), it looks
like python would provide easier learning curve for you.

Good luck,

Oron Peled                                 Voice: +972-4-8228492
o...@actcom.co.il                  http://users.actcom.co.il/~oron
linux/reboot.h: #define LINUX_REBOOT_MAGIC1  0xfee1dead

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