2010/1/18 Udi Finkelstein <linux...@udif.com>

> I have an old universal programmer (i.e. for programming
> Flash/PLD/Microcontroller chips) that is parallel port based.
> Since new computers with a parallel port are harder to come by (if at all),
> I'm looking for a solution that will let me use it with a USB connection.
> Is there a solution that involves a USB to parallel cable, and a
> virtualization software that traps HW parallel port accesses and emulate
> them through the USB<>parallel interface?
> The control program for the above programmer only runs under W2000 or DOS,
> but the virtualization solution can run under Linux.
> thanks,
> Udi
I don't think such a thing will work since in DOS, those programmers
accessed the hardware directly (no device driver) so I am not sure it such a
thing can work.
I would be happy to hear of a working solution.

Ori Idan
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