Hello il. I wish to write a paper that describes what it means to port
from vxworks to linux rt in all apects but from your experience. The bellow
is a list of questions.

why did you port ? lack of hardware support ?

Is your system soft real time or hard time system ?

what year did the porting started ?

Can you estimate how many lines of code were ported ?

Was there an effort to teach the vxwork engineers linux ? did it
succeed / partialy succeed ?
If new engineers were recruited, was it difficult to find linux rt
programmers ? how long did
it take to recruit ?

Was the same team structure preserved or a new hirarchy created ?

how long did it take to the first linux product ?

Did you release new vxworks versions while migrating ? after the
migration is done ?
         if so , do you have the same engineers supporting the old code ?

What are the information resources you used for that ?
Did you consult with professionals ? how did you reach a decision what
sort of rt flavor to use ?

Were new positions/skills required  ? Did you recruit platform
engineers ? Kernel engineers ?

Did you use porting libraries or a nother solution ? did you change
the system design ? Did you use other programming languages other than
c and c++
to migrate ?

once the porting was complete can you estimate, does it take the same
effort to release
a product ?

What was the clients response when they were told you changed Os ? Did
they know or care ?

Is the linux product required to do more than the vx works product?

Were all engineers using the same operating system or did some
programmers use linux while others running
windows ? Did it matter ?

Were there any logistics changes due to the porting ? Did the IT
department took part , like switching exchange server
to something else ? vpn ?

Did you use the same source control system ? bug tracking system ?

Did you keep your code closed or is it open/partialy open ?

thank you

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