On Wed, Jan 05, 2011, Lior Kaplan wrote about "Re: OT: PHP 32 bit numbers 
security issue":
> It's a hardware bug, which can be avoided by the right compilation flags.
> Since it comes from the legacy x87 feature, it doesn't happen on x86_64
> which is a newer architecture.

Well, the fact that everything runs on hardware doesn't mean it's a hardware
bug... I assume the hardware does not go into an endless loop, but rather
some incorrect code generated by gcc, is to blame, but I was curious if
anyone knows the details of how a single "volatile" is what can stop this
endless loop.

Also, while x86_64 is a newer architecture, I didn't know it had new
floating-point capabilities, so I wonder how it's relevant...

To summarize, I'm curious, if anybody read all the details and can summarize
them for me ;-)

>  Kaplan
> p.s.
> The link you gave bellow is to php.net not Zend.

Sorry, I don't follow the intricacies of Php development. I remembered that
10 years ago Zend (=Zeev and Andi) were writing PHP, and just assumed it's
the same today...

Nadav Har'El                        |    Wednesday, Jan  5 2011, 29 Tevet 5771
n...@math.technion.ac.il             |-----------------------------------------
Phone +972-523-790466, ICQ 13349191 |"Did you sleep well?" "No, I made a
http://nadav.harel.org.il           |couple of mistakes."

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