On Sun, Jan 16, 2011 at 10:50:16PM +0200, Dotan Cohen wrote:
> On Sun, Jan 16, 2011 at 22:18, Shachar Shemesh <shac...@shemesh.biz> wrote:
> > Hi Tzafrir, as well as anyone else who want to pursue this development
> > independently.
> >
> > I think the community is having a hard time wrapping its head around a
> > fundamental fact of the new keyboard standard. This is not an open source
> > project. This is a committee. It is manned by people who are all with the
> > best of intentions, and the discussion is surprisingly ego-free, and yet,
> > this is still a committee, with all the negative association that go with
> > that word. I'm doing my best to make the process open, but I'm beginning to
> > ask myself whether I'm not, actually, causing more damage than good.
> >
> > In the end, the SII will issue a standard. Like it or not, this is what will
> > get implemented on most computers out there. Ideally, this standard is what
> > will get implemented on ALL computers out there. As such, I think it is best
> > to try and make sure that this standard is as good as we can make it.
> >
> > However, since this is a committee standard, it takes time. The committee
> > meets once a month, and for a few hours at a time (next meeting is
> > tomorrow). There is so much progress we can make during one meeting (hence
> > the lack of maqaf, gershaim, and other characters that exist in lyx but not
> > in the current version of the draft). I completely understand people's
> > impatience, but this is just how things are. It will likely take AT LEAST
> > three more months to completely agree upon the keyboard, and AT LEAST one
> > more month for the standard to reach the point where it is officially
> > published to the public to receive comments. It is no news to me that, for
> > an open source project, that speed is a crawl. There is positively nothing
> > anyone can do about it, as far as I can tell.
> >
> > Creating forks and branches may lead to one of two outcomes, as far as I can
> > see, neither desirable. The least bad outcome is that no-one will use your
> > repo, and you would have wasted time and effort. The worst case, however, is
> > that your repo is widely successful, but incompatible with the end standard.
> > As such, I think it is best to keep the feedback flowing where the SII
> > sub-committee can pick it up.
> >
> > Thankfully, Hamakor has a couple of representatives at the committee, and
> > one of them (yours truly) did his best to make the process as transparent as
> > possible. The best way to get your feedback considered by the committee
> > (before reaching the public comments stage, that is) is by reading all the
> > comments on the blog post Tzafrir pointed to, and then, if what you said is
> > not redundant to what was already said, leave a comment with it. I think it
> > is the only sane way to make sure your comments actually get considered by
> > the standard while it is being drafted.
> >
> Hi Shachar. I notice that the RLM and LRM are not implemented in the
> new keyboard layout. You might want to mention to the rest of the
> committee that there exist users who use the lyx layout specifically
> for those two most useful characters. Please, do not remove them!

They are in the il_proposed file (If they weren't, they would be extra
characters I would have to add to my mapping :-) . If you're a veteran
lyx layout user, note that they moved to AltGr-9 and AltGr-0.

According to the comments in the discussion I linked to, it was added to
the layout a bit later, folloiwng comments by Amir Aharoni.

Tzafrir Cohen         | tzaf...@jabber.org | VIM is
http://tzafrir.org.il |                    | a Mutt's
tzaf...@cohens.org.il |                    |  best
tzaf...@debian.org    |                    | friend

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