On Fri, Feb 4, 2011 at 15:31, Geoff Shang <ge...@quitelikely.com> wrote:
> On Fri, 4 Feb 2011, geoffrey mendelson wrote:
>> Possibly never, but at least for a long time. The current DNS system is
>> IPv4 only, but serves both IPv4 and IPv6. If you have your DNS set up to
>> include IPv6, the information will be available, but the client needs to be
>> able to interpet it.
> Some root-servers now have IPv6 addresses.  Until I started writing this, I
> was under the impression that all did, but according to
> ftp://ftp.internic.net/domain/named.root (which is the authoritative source
> for the root-servers list), only A.ROOT-SERVERS.NET, F.ROOT-SERVERS.NET,
> addresses.

Only 2 out of the 13 .net and .com main name servers have IPv6
addresses, although I guess for today that's enough. I checked and all
.org and .info name servers have IPv6 addresses. For .il only 2 name
servers have IPv6 addresses. For .eg only 1 (out of 3) name server has
an IPv6 address.


All the major ISPs in Israel's name servers don't have IPv6 addresses.
Some of my hosting provider (servage.net)'s name servers have IPv6

I think they don't define IPv6 addresses to all the name servers,
because some users will not work when IPv6 addresses are defined - and
they can query only servers who don't have any IPv6 address defined.

>> Since BIND is open source software, nothing is preventing you or anyone
>> else from adding IPv6 support to it. Eventually someone will do it, and 100%
>> IPv6 networks will become possible.
> Are you saying that Bind cannot connect to DNS root-servers over IPv6? What
> other functionality is it missing?  Certainly we run a virtual server on an
> IPv6 connection that also runs an authoritative DNS server for those domains
> and we've experienced no problems.

I think BIND comes with a default root servers list, and this list is
IPv4. Then if you work only with IPv4, you will not have any root
server defined. But I'm not sure, last time I checked was a long time

By the way, I noticed a problem with one of the .il name servers -
ns-il.ripe.net [] returns the other .il name servers and
not the domain's name servers - for example
(press "Click Here"). Do you know why they added this name server to
the list of .il name servers?

 DNS server handling your query: ns-il.ripe.net.
 DNS server's address:

 Non-authoritative answer:
 *** Can't find walla.co.il: No answer

 Authoritative answers can be found from:
 co.il  nameserver = nsb.ns.il.
 co.il  nameserver = nse.ns.il.
 co.il  nameserver = sns-pb.isc.org.
 co.il  nameserver = nsd.ns.il.
 co.il  nameserver = dns8.denic.de.
 co.il  nameserver = ildns.huji.ac.il.
 co.il  nameserver = lookup.iucc.ac.il.
 nsb.ns.il      internet address =
 nsd.ns.il      internet address =
 nsd.ns.il      has AAAA address 2001:4f8:3:37::11
 nse.ns.il      internet address =
 ildns.huji.ac.il       internet address =
 lookup.iucc.ac.il      internet address =

By the way, why do 012 smile (Internet Zahav) and Netvision have only
2 name servers? Is it enough? Do their DNS servers never fail?

Uri Even-Chen
Mobile Phone: +972-50-9007559
E-mail: u...@speedy.net
Website: http://www.speedy.net/

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